Sunday, October 18, 2009

Angels and Demons II

Langdon and Vittoria have just started to chase after the illuminati assassin, who, as I neglected to mention earlier, murdered Vittoria’s father, as well as kidnapped the Cardinals. After deciphering some very complex clues found in the Vatican’s archives, our protagonists set out with a squadron of the elite Swiss Guard to find the church where the first Cardinal was supposed to be killed. Although the church fit all of the clues, as understood by Langdon, Vittoria discovered, minutes before the time that the cardinal was to be killed, that it could not be the right church. With some quick thinking by Langdon and the help of a museum docent, they discovered the correct church, and went there with great haste. However, they were too late. After several suspenseful minutes, they discovered the priest’s body, half buried in the bottom of a crypt and mutilated. Although they missed catching the illuminati assassin by mere minutes, they were able to decipher symbols in the chapel that will lead them to the next murder scene.
The book has gotten much more interesting, and the flaws in the writing that I mentioned have all but disappeared. Or I have simply become accustomed to it. Either way, it no longer bothers me. The reading is quick, easy, and enjoyable, and so far, all signs point towards my prediction of the protagonists falling in love being correct.

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